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Fabric Printing 100% Bamboo Sheeting (140)

We now offer 100% Bamboo Sheeting for digital textile printing! Usually, Modern bamboo clothing is made from 100% bamboo yarn. Our bamboo sheeting has a subtle bias texture to it, similar to twill. While historically used only for structural elements, such as bustles and the ribs of corsets, in recent years a range of technologies have been developed allowing bamboo fiber to be used in a wide array of textile and fashion applications. This fabrication has a wide range of uses including accessories such as scarves and tote bags to table cloths and wall hangings. 

Start your fabric printing project for as little as $8.00 on our 100% Bamboo Sheeting.

See our care instructions for fabric printing on 100% Bamboo Sheeting fabricationcare_instructions.

Need fabric printing ideas for your projects? 

See what kind of fabric printing product ideas you can make when you print on our 100% Bamboo Sheeting quality. Click on any of the below images to visit where you can choose from millions of royalty-free patterns. You can visualize them in hundreds of products and also request them to be digitally fabric printed.



Want information about how to print on fabric? 

Contact us today to learn more about our full range of services.